Supporting gynecologic cancer patients throughout Colorado
Upcoming Events
When Cancer Hits Below The Belt We’re Here To Help!
Newly diagnosed? We’re here to help! Please complete the form below and our Patient Services Director, Sherry Martin (LCSW) will contact you directly.
Financial Assistance Program
We offer economic support to those who have been diagnosed with gynecologic cancer to help with medical and household expenses. Whether it’s health insurance deductibles, doctor’s bills, housing payments, utility bills or prescriptions. Sue’s Gift Financial Assistance Program has made a promise, that no one stands alone when it comes to battling cancer.
Woman To Woman
A cancer diagnosis can be an overwhelming experience, we’re here to help. Our Woman to Woman program is a peer-to-peer support program that pairs newly diagnosed gynecologic cancer patients or patients currently in treatment with trained survivor volunteers who provide hope, support, understanding and encouragement from someone who has “been there.” If you are diagnosed with any gynecologic cancer, you can request a mentor – someone who can be with you through the duration of the diagnosis, treatment and recovery.
Cheri is a stage 4 ovarian cancer survivor and a Woman to Woman Volunteer Mentor. Hear how Sue's Gift has helped her through her cancer journey!

There are FIVE main types of cancer that affect reproductive organs:
As a group, they are referred to as gynecologic (GY-neh-kuh-LAH-jik) cancer
I have been an oncology social worker for over 35 years, and during that time, I shared many patients with my husband, a counselor at the cancer center where we both worked. We learned several lessons over the years from those who had a cancer diagnosis. One of the most valuable came from Harold.