Our Mission
We believe every woman deserves her best chance at survival regardless of her economic situation. We assist Colorado women with the costs associated with gynecologic cancer diagnoses through our Financial Assistance Program. Our Woman to Woman program trains and empowers women, one-year post treatment, to mentor a newly diagnosed patient with the same cancer type.
Who We Are
We graciously welcome all impacted by gynecologic cancer and acknowledge their unique journey. We celebrate the lives of the survivors and honor our loved ones who have passed away from the disease. We appreciate and respect each volunteer, client, and supporters and honor their time and effort in support of our mission. We create a cherished, supportive, collaborative place for patients, survivors, and families affected by gynecologic cancer. Our environment is compassionate, responsive, educational, and has a purposeful, spirited intent.
We are constantly looking for new opportunities to TEAL IT UP! We are highly mindful that our best defense against all gynecologic cancers is knowledge. We immerse ourselves into many different community events in an effort to reach the masses. We understand that to best execute our mission of awareness we must inform not only women but men and children. We are committed to providing Southern Colorado women with gynecologic cancer information. We are committed to providing Southern Colorado women with financial aid when necessary through Sue's Gift Financial Assistance Program. This level of commitment has been in place for eight plus years and will continue for many years to come.
Our Values
We are unselfishly devoted to the welfare of our clients, volunteers, staff, and our community. We commit to the personal experiences of the people affected by gynecologic cancer. We strive to support the emotional and financial needs of those touched by ovarian cancer.
We raise the level of knowledge and awareness of all gynecologic cancer symptoms and risk factors by participating in community events. We continually put ourselves out there through many forms of communication including social media, email, TV and radio.
We focus on providing a clear and consistent message at the appropriate volume for our intended audience. We are strategic and intentional in our own internal communications from the planning and execution of events, needs, strategies and goals.
We strive to get to know our clients, volunteers, and supporters at a deeper level and building necessary trust while being true to our values. We will be nice, respectful, and thoughtful while being a trusted ambassador for Sue's Gift.
We accept diversity and honor everyone we associate with and their unique, important story. We are sensitive to the process of healing and supporting each other.