Sue’s Gift Blog
The Song He Sings
I listened to his song for days and days. It was a soothing, beautiful song. I eventually came to know it as a love song.
He came faithfully every day, sitting in the tree, singing his heart out to his love and mate. She was protecting and warming their love children, yet to be born, in the nest they had built together. I was in awe of their equal partnership.
Just the Caregiver
Years ago, when he was in his fifties, he was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. She was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. They had been married a number of years, and both of them were receiving treatment for their cancer diagnoses at the same time. Her treatment included a bone marrow transplant. She spent months in the hospital, and eventually a nursing home, with the expectation she would never be well enough to leave. Her condition was so severe at one point that several toes had to be amputated. (They both recovered and lived active, fulfilling lives.)
About The Author
Sherry Martin is the Patient Services Director for Sue's Gift. Sherry is a licensed clinical social worker with over thirty-five years of experience in the field of oncology social work, and author of the book, Beginning Again: Tools for the Journey through Grief — a step-by-step guide for facilitators of a grief support group. Sherry lives with her husband in Colorado Springs, Colorado.