Sue’s Gift Blog

Living Intentionally Sherry Martin Living Intentionally Sherry Martin

The Thing About Age

I am fascinated by how one’s age impacts so many things: how you view yourself, how you think others see you, and how both affect one’s mental outlook. My husband has a saying, “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?”

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Coping Strategies Sherry Martin Coping Strategies Sherry Martin

The Rock And The Stream

While meditation has become more mainstream, folks often dismiss it as a beneficial technique because of uncertainty about what it is. It is not removing all thoughts or stopping the incessant activity of one’s mind. It is not an Eastern religion. Meditation is a state of awareness and calm and one of the most effective forms of stress reduction.

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Living Intentionally Sherry Martin Living Intentionally Sherry Martin

Being Heard

How many times have you talked with someone and realized they completely missed the point of what you shared? Few things feel better than someone hearing you, not just hearing the words, but hearing your struggle, frustration, or fear.

Do you know how many books are written about and even titled “The Art of Conversation?” There are so many. I have read about the two rules of having a conversation, four stages, five principles, five elements, five rules, nine tips, and of course, the golden rule of conversation (not interrupting while someone else is talking). I didn’t think conversations were that complicated or needed to be.

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Overcoming Adversity Sherry Martin Overcoming Adversity Sherry Martin

Get Over It?

She was diagnosed with cancer, underwent months of treatment and finally, she was in remission. Her hair had grown back; she was going to the gym; she was stronger.

His wife died six months ago. He was back at work the week after her death. He was paying the bills, doing the laundry, and cooking, which didn’t require much effort because he was rarely hungry.

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Living Intentionally Sherry Martin Living Intentionally Sherry Martin

Joy And Sadness

The Holidays in November and December provide a myriad of opportunities for both joy and sadness. I used to believe The Holidays were a time of joy for everyone, filled with happy family gatherings, with bounties of food and gifts for all. And sometimes that is reality, but frequently it isn’t.

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Living Intentionally Sherry Martin Living Intentionally Sherry Martin


I didn’t know there was a difference between being thankful and being grateful, but evidently there is. Being thankful is contingent upon something that occurred – a situation or another’s action, a gift, or kindness. Being grateful is an attitude or way of life, focusing on what is good instead of what is missing. In other words, being thankful is a response while being grateful is a choice.

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Perfectionism Sherry Martin Perfectionism Sherry Martin

Doing The Best You Can

had an experience recently where I was physically unable to keep up with those I was with. I’ve never been in that situation before. I was caught off guard and felt I’d let others down – maybe even to the point of being a burden. It didn’t feel good.

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Living Intentionally Sherry Martin Living Intentionally Sherry Martin

Find Your Ikigai

The Japanese concept of Ikigai (pronounced ee key guy) translates to a “reason for being,” or “reason to get up in the morning,” and is comparable to the likely more familiar French term raison d’etre. The literal translation of Ikigai is the “happiness of being busy.”

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Living Intentionally Sherry Martin Living Intentionally Sherry Martin

The Loss I Know

I know I can't call her for the recipe. I started to. I know I can't call to tell her the cutest thing my daughter just did. I know there's no need to set an extra plate for dinner. I know he's not here to teach my husband his woodworking skills, and I hate all of that. I know. Yet, my heart tells me to call, to talk, to share, to learn.

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About The Author

Sherry Martin is the Patient Services Director for Sue's Gift. Sherry is a licensed clinical social worker with over thirty-five years of experience in the field of oncology social work, and author of the book, Beginning Again: Tools for the Journey through Grief — a step-by-step guide for facilitators of a grief support group. Sherry lives with her husband in Colorado Springs, Colorado.