Supporting gynecologic cancer patients in need throughout Colorado

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When Cancer Hits Below The Belt We’re Here To Help!


Need Assistance? Please complete the form below and our Patient Services Director, Sherry Martin, will contact you directly.


Our Mission

We believe every woman deserves her best chance at survival regardless of her economic situation. We assist Colorado women with the cost associated with gynecologic cancer diagnoses through our Financial Assistance Program. Our Woman to Woman program trains and empowers women, one-year post treatment, mentor newly diagnosed patience with the same cancer type.

Recent Blog Posts

There are FIVE main types of cancer that affect a woman's reproductive organs:


As a group, they are referred to as gynecologic (GY-neh-kuh-LAH-jik) cancer

Sue’s Gift Financial Assistance Program

We offer economic support specifically to Colorado women diagnosed with gynecologic cancer to help with medical and household expenses. Whether it’s health insurance deductibles, doctor’s bills, housing payments, utility bills or prescriptions. ​Sue’s Gift Financial Assistance Program has made a promise to the women of Southern Colorado, that no one stands alone when it comes to battling cancer.


Making seriously ill women choose between paying for their cancer treatment and paying for their house payment seems unusually cruel
— Sue DiNapoli




  • Diagnosed with ovarian, Fallopian tube, cervical, uterine, peritoneal, vulva, or vaginal cancer

  • Currently in chemotherapy or other oncologist-directed treatment for gynecologic cancer OR have completed surgery or treatment for gynecologic cancer within the last three months

    * Medical verification form required


  • Monthly household expenses must be more than monthly household income, and total income must be equal to or less than 300% of the HHS Federal Poverty Level

  • Available assets, including cash, investments, and real estate properties other than your home, are less than the total of 6 months of your household expenses during treatment.

Spanish Application - COMING SOON!

We assist Colorado women with the costs associated with gynecologic cancer diagnoses through our Financial Assistance Program. Your generous contribution makes this possible. Thank you for supporting Sue’s Gift.


525 North Cascade Ave. Suite #213
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

​(719) 422-9964